November 20, 2014

PostSetupConfigurationTaskException error when upgrading SharePoint 2013 with Wizard

When updating SharePoint through the wizard I got the the following error in the PCSDiagnostics log:

11/20/2014 18:01:28  51  ERR                                    Failed to upgrade SharePoint Products.
An exception of type Microsoft.SharePoint.PostSetupConfiguration.PostSetupConfigurationTaskException was thrown.  Additional exception information: Failed to upgrade SharePoint Products.
Microsoft.SharePoint.PostSetupConfiguration.PostSetupConfigurationTaskException: Exception of type 'Microsoft.SharePoint.PostSetupConfiguration.PostSetupConfigurationTaskException' was thrown.
   at Microsoft.SharePoint.PostSetupConfiguration.UpgradeTask.Run()
   at Microsoft.SharePoint.PostSetupConfiguration.TaskThread.ExecuteTask()

I my case it was the dbo account on three Content databases that was not set with the correct account. Probably because I had used my own account to install SharePoint in the first place. 

By changing the login account of the dbo user, to the correct SharePoint managed account the issue was solved and i could perform the SharePoint Configuation Wizard upgrade without errors.

To check and change account for the dbo user:

Right click the SharePoint database and select Properties
Under Files, change the Owner to the correct account

If you get an error that the user is already mapped to the database
 Then remove the user from the database before setting the Login account.

April 1, 2012

Cisco AnyConnect VPN on ASA 5505 with full tunneling

I have a remote server that I use for backup of my files in my home network. I wanted my backup server to be a part of my internal network as a member of my AD.

My backup solution is fairly simple as I use robocopy to mirror my local backup to my remote backup server. I have set the robocopy script to run through Task Scheduler in Windows.

I did not want my backup server to have any connection to the network it was physically connected to. So split-tunneling was not an option.

I found a couple of sources that I used. One over at Tech 21 Century, witch i practically followed most of the way, and the the other over at Cisco for the internet access part.

A TFTP server
The AnyConnect client software for your OS. Can be downloaded from here

In this example
The local network is:
The VPN network is:
Downloaded client software file: anyconnect-win-2.5.3055-k9.pkg
Cisco ASA Software Version 8.2(3)
Hardware: ASA5505
AD Domain FQDN: yourdomain.local

Here is the entire configuration I used: (don't copy paste the entire code on to your ASA, I recommend that you copy a line at the time)
copy tftp flash: cisco/anyconnect-win-2.5.3055-k9.pkg conf t webvpn svc image disk0:/anyconnect-win-2.5.3055-k9.pkg 1 enable outside svc enable exit ip local pool SSLClientPool mask access-list NONAT extended permit ip nat (inside) 0 access-list NONAT username user1 password YourPassword username user1 attributes service-type remote-access exit group-policy SSLCLientPolicy internal group-policy SSLCLientPolicy attributes dns-server value default-domain value yourdomain.local vpn-tunnel-protocol svc address-pools value SSLClientPool exit tunnel-group SSLClientProfile type remote-access tunnel-group SSLClientProfile general-attributes default-group-policy SSLCLientPolicy tunnel-group SSLClientProfile webvpn-attributes group-alias SSLVPNClient enable webvpn tunnel-group-list enable exit conf t same-security-traffic permit intra-interface group-policy SSLCLientPolicy attributes split-tunnel-policy tunnelall webvpn svc ask none default svc svc keep-installer installed svc rekey time 30 svc rekey method ssl exit exit aaa local authentication attempts max-fail 16 nat (outside) 1 That's it :)

default-domain value yourdomain.local This is not nessasary if you dont have a domain. This is so you can access netbios names on your domain.

conf t same-security-traffic permit intra-interface group-policy SSLCLientPolicy attributes split-tunnel-policy tunnelall webvpn svc ask none default svc svc keep-installer installed svc rekey time 30 svc rekey method ssl exit exit aaa local authentication attempts max-fail 16 nat (outside) 1 This is the part of the configuration where you enable access to the internet. If you are okay with split-tunneling, which uses the internet on the network where your client are connected, check out the article from Tech 21 Century below.

Tech 21 Century
Title: How To Configure AnyConnect SSL VPN on Cisco ASA 5500

Title: ASA 8.x: AnyConnect VPN Client for Public Internet VPN on a Stick Configuration Example

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